Cultivating Success: The Power of Philosophy
Branch Leader
Larry Gonzales Branch Leader
Published on November 11, 2023
Cultivating Success: The Power of Philosophy

Cultivating Success: The Power of Philosophy

In the journey towards success, there’s a secret ingredient that often goes unnoticed, a factor that separates successful individuals from the rest. It’s not luck, and it’s certainly not a lottery win. It’s something deeper, something that shapes your attitude, influences your actions, and ultimately determines your results. This powerful force is your philosophy.

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Philosophy: The Cornerstone of Success

The second chapter of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson delves into this essential ingredient, shedding light on how our philosophy impacts our lives. Think of your philosophy as the foundation upon which your attitude, actions, and, ultimately, your results are built. Your philosophy is the lens through which you view the world and its opportunities.

From Attitude to Actions to Results

Your philosophy creates your attitude, which, in turn, molds your actions. These actions drive your life’s results. If you have a positive philosophy, you’re more likely to adopt a can-do attitude. This attitude, fueled by optimism and perseverance, guides your actions towards success. Success, in this context, isn’t a one-time event but rather a progressive journey.

A Tale of Two Groups:

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Lottery Winners and Professional Athletes
To illustrate the impact of philosophy, let’s look at two groups: lottery winners and professional athletes. On the surface, both seem destined for financial success. Lottery winners experience a sudden windfall, while professional athletes earn significant incomes. Yet, it’s startling how many of them end up facing financial troubles.

Why does this happen? The answer lies in their unchanged philosophies. The philosophy governing their relationship with money remains the same, irrespective of their newfound wealth. They don’t adapt their attitudes or actions, and consequently, their results plummet. In contrast, consider the individuals who’ve spent years cultivating a success-oriented philosophy. They don’t play the lottery, nor do they squander their earnings. Their daily choices reflect their long-standing philosophy, fostering a continued path to success.

The Natural Progression of Success

Success, as Olson outlines, follows a natural progression: planting, cultivation, and harvest. Planting is easy; it’s the beginning, the birth of an idea. Think of it as the moment you decide to change your life, to be better. Cultivation, however, is where the hard work comes in. Cultivation means consistently nurturing your idea. It’s the daily grind, the dedication to your philosophy. You might start strong, like a student with an ‘A,’ but to maintain it, you must cultivate that success. The harvest, then, represents the culmination of your efforts – it’s your success.

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Successful People’s Relationship with Failure

One of the most powerful lessons in the book is that successful people view failure differently. Instead of seeing it as the end, they see it as a stepping stone to success. This idea is exemplified by Thomas Edison, who famously said, “I have not yet failed a correction; I’ve simply discovered 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Successful individuals understand that failure is a part of the natural progression. They don’t avoid it; they embrace it. They don’t let it hinder their journey; instead, they learn from it and continue forward. This is the essence of progressive success.

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The Contrast: Unsuccessful People

In contrast, unsuccessful people often view failure as a roadblock. It’s something to avoid at all costs. They miss the point that Edison made – each failure is a valuable lesson. They’re unwilling to do what it takes to reach success because they’re paralyzed by the fear of failure.

Conclusion: Your Philosophy, Your Success

In summary, the power of philosophy in achieving success cannot be overstated. Your philosophy shapes your attitude, which guides your actions, and, in the end, determines your results. It’s a natural progression, requiring cultivation and acceptance of failure. Successful people recognize this, while unsuccessful people often shy away from it.

So, what’s your philosophy? Is it planting the seeds of success and committing to daily cultivation? Do you embrace failure as a part of the journey? Your answers to these questions could very well determine your place in that exclusive group of successful individuals.

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Branch Leader
Larry Gonzales Branch Leader
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